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Medical coding:

Our core activity revolves around medical coding for regulatory purposes and healthcare services. We possess extensive expertise in using MedDRA, WHODrug and SNOMED dictionaries. Additionally, TELOS-C has developed its own coding environment, Harmony, which optimizes and documents the coding process.

Coding validation:

With highly qualified personnel in medical coding, we offer a review and validation service for coding performed by third parties.
The coding validation can also be performed in the Harmony coding environment developed by TELOS-C.

coding harmonization:

Our company has the expertise and documentation necessary for harmonizing medical coding within databases. This harmonization is essential for enhancing database quality/reliability and for merging multiple databases.

dictionary upgrade:

During the lifecycle of a study, it is common to perform one or more dictionary upgrades (MedDRA or WHODrug). Our team possesses the skills and expertise necessary to carry out these dictionary upgrades under optimal conditions.

Coding conventions:

To effectively manage situations subject to interpretation, it is customary to create coding conventions at the start of a study. We can provide the necessary assistance in drafting these coding conventions and can also offer standard documents.

Study set-up:

TELOS-C excels not only in medical coding but also in understanding clinical trial data management processes. This dual expertise allows us to intervene effectively at the most critical phase of a study’s lifecycle: its set-up.

AI medical set-up



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