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About us

TELOS-C was founded upon the realization, gleaned from extensive experience, of the undervaluation of medical data coding and its quality. This underestimation stems from several factors. Firstly, coding remains relatively obscure and often carries negative connotations. Secondly, it tends to be relegated to a secondary role within departments, lacking the dedicated attention it requires. This fragmented approach often results in a lack of expertise, leading to subpar, inconsistent data. Consequently, downstream processes suffer as a result of the poor quality of coding, giving rise to the well-known phenomenon: “garbage in, garbage out.”

In response, TELOS-C has made a deliberate decision to focus on its core expertise: coding and its related activities. Through close collaboration with sponsors and subcontractors, we advocate for the recognition of coding’s pivotal role, ensuring it receives the attention it deserves. By empowering each department to concentrate on its area of expertise, we cultivate a collaborative environment that enhances data quality and fosters progress in healthcare and biotechnology.

Who we are

